We are very happy with the purchase from this seller. The product was exactly as they stated (maybe even better) and the shipping was fast. And it was packaged very, very good to avoid possible damage during shipping. We would be happy and confident to purchase from them again.
n***e (102)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Último año
Compra verificada
Excellent seller. They initially forgot to include one book from the set, but reached out about it before I even noticed, and sent it along as soon as I confirmed. Books were all as described. Would buy from them again!
e***i (185)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
Arrived perfectly! Books are just as described! Nicely packaged. Wonderful seller!
e***r (115)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Mes pasado
Compra verificada
Perfect order! Fast shipping and great description and communication!
m***a (1786)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
Received books as advertised at a great price!
d***6 (2790)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
A++++ srller, great value, fast ship, will buy again, as stated