Beautiful handbag. I am so happy with this purchase. Seller responded immediately to my question and shipped the item the next day. Packed and shipped so carefully. Nothing but positive. I will come back next time I want a new handbag!
9***4 (1)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
Item was exactly as as described when I received it and came very well packaged new with tags. I’m very satisfied with this seller. Thank you very much for your attention and care in the handling and shipping of the item.
r***e (267)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
This seller is AWESOME!! I just got the purse today and I am IN LOVE!!! Its perfect! I had a hard time finding this little purse online without it being severely overpriced but this seller offered a fair price and this shipped to me in 2 days!!! Thank you so so much!! I hope to do business again with you in the near future!! May you always stay happy, healthy, and safe!! 💕🐬🫐
9***r (206)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
Purse is exactly as described. Shipping was right on time and it was packaged very well. Transaction was I00% hassle free. I would highly recommend this seller A+++
v***d (323)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Mes pasado
Compra verificada
Der Versandt war super, guter Kontakt mit dem Verkäufer und Zustand wie beschrieben.
2***s (698)- Votos emitidos por el comprador.
Últimos 6 meses
Compra verificada
Great transaction, fast shipping, well packaged. Item is as described. A+