Calculated Industries Qualifier Plus IIIx 3415 Financial Calculator

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Aproximadamente31,61 EUR
+ USD38,45 de envío
Entrega prevista: lun. 25 nov. - jue. 5 dic.
30 días para devoluciones. El comprador paga el envío de la devolución.
This Calculated Industries Qualifier Plus IIIx 3415 financial calculator is a must-have for any business or office. With its handheld size and battery power source, it's convenient to use wherever you go. The regular key size and financial type make it easy to navigate and use for all your financial needs. This particular model is brand new and has never been used, making it a great addition to your collection. It falls under the Business & Industrial, Office, Office Equipment, and Calculators categories on eBay. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a high-quality financial calculator.