Fujifilm Instax Mini Monochrome 10 Shot Camera Film

GBP 11,66
Aproximadamente13,87 EUR
+ 8,17 de envío
Entrega prevista: vie. 24 ene. - vie. 31 ene.
30 días para devoluciones. El comprador paga el envío de la devolución.
Colour 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Colour Twin Pack 20 shots
Airmail 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Candypop 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Comic Strip 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Macaron 10 shots
Pink Lemonade 10 shots
Confetti 10 shots
Rainbow 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Shiny Star 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Stained Glass 10 shots (Sin existencias)
London 10 shots (Sin existencias)
Blue Marble 10 shots
Monochrome 10 shots
Black Frame 10 shots
Blue Frame 10 shots
Recognized for its excellent color reproduction, the film has a glossy finish and is an excellent choice for general use, portraiture or even with electronic flash. Those pictures you shot when your kid was 4 - or during that trip to Disneyland will still be around long after he's out of high school.